Saturday, October 30, 2010

Existential Inconsequential

the green smoke always flows...

here,  waiting to be sucked into the thoracic cavity...

taken and toyed with, your pink and purple swirls, discounting my pure jade...

so i pale away...

retreat for a while...

reflect on the fact that i am the goddess...

lean down to my mouth and kiss the earth.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Here, There, Everywhere!

Another poem from around the same time...

Here, There, Everywhere!

liquid, blood, cells, blast off!

interstellar paradise coined by me.  i know what it is.  the whole of my being feels it.

two for one love, but there are twenty more.  past lives you see. i know.

plane.  jane. magical terrain. kundalini rising, not just in my brain.

my body swirls. the snakes realign.  the light is dim. 

the notes sings to me, songs of joy, love, redemption, revolution. 

i'm right there with them.

evolve your soul. 

learn your lesson. 

love and be free to know yourself.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Under The Banyan Tree

This is an older poem, but still one of my favorites, written after spending time in Kauai.  Enjoy...

Under the Banyan Tree

sweet serenity.

seed.  i'm an epiphyte growing along with you. 

we send each other upward towards the heavens.  towards the infinite space.  towards the unknown...

but then we come back down.  take refuge in the soil.  we can't forget.

life is like that.  infinitely expanding till our last root has been planted and our tree is complete.


life.  re-root with me.

it's not too late.


Good Morning Everyone!

I have decided to create this page to share my poetry with everyone.  I used to share with only a select few, but now I feel called to share with everyone.  I hope you find something in my word arrangements that moves or helps your soul remember it's true nature...LOVE!

Love and Light Always,