Tuesday, December 14, 2010



Here we go again.
Here I go again

Nothing changes...
It's always the last day of Fall with us.
Our leaves show their brightest colors,
and swiftly fall to their death.

We lay there wondering what to do next...
The ice, then, freezes us over,
and we're stuck in time and space...
Dematerialized yet again.
It is this frozen purgatory that we chose to endure for another season (or lifetime).

Perhaps next time we should decide on a warmer climate...
One where we could grow all year long,
and bask in the glory of the light in our lives.
For that is where we will find our true purpose,
and I know what we will see is love.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reflect On Path

Reflect On Path



the beach, the house, the sea air...
all set the stage for positivity...
to be explained and discussed

the minds will open and remember how it felt to touch the heart...

and from there, the world will heal.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Have I seen you before?
A lifetime ago, or more?

Our souls danced intimately under many a star.

The outward is outgoing,
but your eyes show a different truth.

Sometimes they look at me curiously.

You just haven't chalked it up to years and years ago...
when I was allowed to love all.

There was no jealousy.

I shared myself with everyone.

I caressed your calves,
like stones of an ancient river...
so smooth and soft against my lips.

And you,
you admired me more than anyone else,
but I could not be just yours.

For I am the Earth's.
And I am the Light.

And although we may seem separate matter,
we are all the same stardust.

Monday, November 15, 2010



And you have this magic about you…
We met before in a garden…
We would lay there, surrounded by the green,
The pink,
The white and red,
The blue sky…
You would embrace and nurture my creativity…
It never dried up…
The birds sang…
We had no obligations…
No responsibilities…
Our life’s purpose was to love and nurture each other’s potential…

And now we are tossed into this new world…
Cold and monotone and angular…
And the boundaries are so clear…
But when we are together they dissipate…
And our love is free once again…

But then the sun rises…
And I’ve lost you…
Until I see you again…
In another universe…
Or another life…
And then we’ll remember…
All over again…

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In Tonight's Sunset

In Tonight's Sunset
easily inspired
with so much beauty around
it's hard not to be these days

calm, crisp, cool...
i'm uncollected,
with neurons firing to memories of you

your prehnitic properties have me higher than ever before...
floating in this sunset...
so alone, but not...

people need to know about this,
but they never can,
too many others would lose

so we're here to keep a balance...
represent the love,
the light,
the happy and free

until next time,
my love,
i will hold you and watch the sun fall

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Closer To The Light

Closer To The Light

The light showed through,
enveloped my soul in a warm embrace,
like one I remembered from lifetimes and daydreams ago...

He said, "It doesn't always have to be that way,"
and you showed me...

And now as we sit and watch the universe grow,
my whole being shudders over having found you again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The State Of This Great Nation

The State of This Great Nation

a set of pyramids arranged like russian dolls.
the perimeter contains the ignorant who worship its point.
a select few chain link and become the upper tier.
floating, the all seeing eye presides.

the illusion presented for you is so obvious,
but you choose to stay in the dark.
it is quite comfortable, isn't it?
fallen into the arms of the patriarch.

two masks for the same face.
wouldn't it be nice to be the puppeteer,
behind the curtain with your magic hands.
carefully the dolls are imbued with life.

you soon follow suit,
extras on the set.
background music.
a sea of faces and notes, yet so crucial.

i'm sorry, but the choice is not yours.
fill up your mind.
you'll eventually come to the light.
and it will forever change your life.

all this being said,
they don't matter.
metamorph your mind.
it is here where the unconditional love resides.


and ever.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Existential Inconsequential

the green smoke always flows...

here,  waiting to be sucked into the thoracic cavity...

taken and toyed with, your pink and purple swirls, discounting my pure jade...

so i pale away...

retreat for a while...

reflect on the fact that i am the goddess...

lean down to my mouth and kiss the earth.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Here, There, Everywhere!

Another poem from around the same time...

Here, There, Everywhere!

liquid, blood, cells, blast off!

interstellar paradise coined by me.  i know what it is.  the whole of my being feels it.

two for one love, but there are twenty more.  past lives you see. i know.

plane.  jane. magical terrain. kundalini rising, not just in my brain.

my body swirls. the snakes realign.  the light is dim. 

the notes sings to me, songs of joy, love, redemption, revolution. 

i'm right there with them.

evolve your soul. 

learn your lesson. 

love and be free to know yourself.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Under The Banyan Tree

This is an older poem, but still one of my favorites, written after spending time in Kauai.  Enjoy...

Under the Banyan Tree

sweet serenity.

seed.  i'm an epiphyte growing along with you. 

we send each other upward towards the heavens.  towards the infinite space.  towards the unknown...

but then we come back down.  take refuge in the soil.  we can't forget.

life is like that.  infinitely expanding till our last root has been planted and our tree is complete.


life.  re-root with me.

it's not too late.


Good Morning Everyone!

I have decided to create this page to share my poetry with everyone.  I used to share with only a select few, but now I feel called to share with everyone.  I hope you find something in my word arrangements that moves or helps your soul remember it's true nature...LOVE!

Love and Light Always,